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Dijon Tahini Salmon Burgers


This recipe is a one of those “whatever I have on hand” recipes that turned out incredible. I love recipes that don’t require me to run to the grocery store and I can whip up when I am not sure what to make for dinner. This is also great for MEAL PREP because you can make extra and re-heat them over the week!


(makes 5 burgers)


- 3 cans of salmon (I use @safecatchfoods wild salmon)

- 2 Eggs

- 1/2 cup extra fine wheat bran @shiloh_farms_foods

- 1/4 cup scallions chopped

- 1 clove of garlic minced

- one handful of spinach chopped (on another green, arugula works well also)

- 1 tbs dijon mustard

- 1/2 tbs tahini

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1/2 tsp pepper

- To dress the burger: I used onion, tahini and an @angelicbakehouse Bun! If you are an @f_factor Follower, you can use a lettuce wrap or eat the burger on its own!


(1) Drain salmon in cans

(2) Add salmon to a large bowl and mix until it is broken up into small fine pieces.

(3) Add the eggs, dijon, tahini, wheat bean, scallions, garlic, greens, salt and pepper. Mix until well combined.

(4) Firm the dough into disk/burger shapes.

(5) Heat a pan on medium heat and coat in oil spray or olive oil.

(6) Cook burgers for 10 minutes on each side.

(7) Enjoy burgers on a bun or a lettuce wrap, or you can cut it up and eat it on its own!


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